When I first moved down to South East London I was ground hopping every week (unless Gateshead were playing down south in which case I was there) and planned to go to every ground in London. Eventually this meant I landed at DHFC and immediately I realised that I was home. It was so inclusive, so welcoming, none of the usual aggro you got at other grounds.
It was different to any other club. I’ve not left since.
Member since:
Roles & Responsibilities:
Website maintenance, social media, IT, events, merchandising.
Day Job:
I work in intelligence for a tech company.
Middlesbrough (but shhh that’s a secret, I was raised in Gateshead).
Other teams:
Gateshead (but they’ve increasingly fallen by the wayside as my love for the Hamlet grew and the prices of trains back to the homeland skyrocketed)
3 words to sum up DHFC:
Football for everyone
North London or South London?
North London doesn’t exist. There is only South London.
Camping or all-inclusive hotel?
Tea or Coffee?
Yorkshire Tea
If you’re not at Champion Hill on a Saturday afternoon, what are you normally doing?
Probably either on a train to an away game, making music with pals or at some far flung place for a gig.
If you had to pick 4 other players, past or present, for a dream 5-a-side, who would you go for?
Manuel Neuer, Miguel Angel Nadal, Ronaldo (R9), Faustino Asprilla
Favourite pubs/restaurants in East Dulwich?
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t always hang out on Rye Lane, but hey, we all love EDT and the Gowlett, right?
If you had to pick, who are your top 3 bands/musicians?
This is HARD! Right now I guess I’m going for Turnstile, High Vis and Self Esteem. It’ll have changed by I finish answering these questions though.
Do you have any celebrity lookalikes?
I hope not for their sake.
Favourite author/s?
Douglas Coupland, Hanif Kureishi, Kurt Vonnegut. Usually found reading books about criminology for uni though.
Favourite or dream holiday destination?
Honestly, I’m happy to be anywhere. But gimme the countryside and pals and I’m happy.
Do you have any pets?
Nope. One day I’ll have a big slobbery dog though.
If you’d have been a professional footballer, which clubs would you have most wanted to play for?
Gateshead, Newcastle (pre selling their soul), St Pauli, Marseille, DHFC. That’d be a nice career I reckon.
Jam or Marmite?
Cats or dogs?
Night out clubbing or in bed with a good book?
Night out
Ever appeared on TV?
Yep. Was on Look North a couple times as a kid, generally petting an animal of some sort while I was meant to be talking about something else.
Favourite film and/or TV show?
Film - (I used to work in a cinema and should say something artistic and deep but...) Rocky, TV - The Sopranos
Can you speak any other languages?
I can just about make it through a conversation in German if people talk slowly.