Roles and responsibilities: Head of Membership
I'm a civil servant
Other teams:
None - I grew up near Basingstoke, and in my younger years I hadn't seen the light of supporting a non-league team.
I love the ethos of the club, the atmosphere on matchdays - and they're my local team!
I came to a few games - I thought the matchday experience was fantastic - I knew something that good and affordable wouldn't exist without people giving their time - and so I offered to help out.
What has been the most difficult things you’ve found on the Board, and what has been most rewarding?
From a membership perspective, raising and maintaining awareness of the Trust and it's work is an ongoing task for us, but a worthwhile one.
It's rewarding to see our membership at a high level, and to see folks come back and support us year on year.
Why should others want to get involved with the Trust? The club is amazing, and if you want it to still be like that for you and everyone else, it needs us, and we need you. So do please help out.
3 words that sum up Dulwich Hamlet FC:
Pink. And. Blue.
If you’re not at Champion Hill on a Saturday afternoon, what are you normally doing?
Running, swimming, cycling, or all three.
Do you have any pets?
If you’d have been a professional footballer, which clubs would you have most wanted to play for?
I'll say AC Milan - great city, great stadium, great weather, great heritage, great kit.
Have you ever won any prizes/competitions?
I won a prize at primary school for growing a sunflower so tall I could see it from my bedroom window on the first storey of our house.
Ever appeared on TV?
Not to my knowledge.
Favourite film and/or TV show?
The Italian Job 2003 remake. Or maybe a Knight's Tale. Both are simple, compelling, with amazing casts, and I'd happily watch either any time.
If you had to pick, who are your top 3 bands/musicians?
Elvis. The Beatles. ABBA.
Favourite pubs/restaurants in East Dulwich?
It's hard to look past EDT.
Do you have any celebrity lookalikes?
A lot of people say Alfie Allen (the actor, not our midfielder) - he's cool, but he also played Reek in Game of Thrones. I'll take it.
Favourite author/s?
Orwell - simple, clear. Also Steve Bruce's three murder mysteries are timeless comedy masterpieces.
Favourite or dream holiday destination?
Somewhere hot, by the sea.
Jam or Marmite?
My whole life until now I'd have said Jam, but as of 2023 - Marmite
Cats or dogs?
North London or South London?
Blur or Oasis?
Oasis - it's not even close
Camping or all-inclusive hotel?
Tea or Coffee?
Night out clubbing or in bed with a good book?
One then the other
Can you speak any other languages?
Yo hablo un poco espanol porque yo aprendo un poco en Duolingo todos los dias
If you had to pick 4 other players, past or present, for a dream 5-a-side, who would you go for?
Pepe Reina, Lisandro Martinez, Lionel Messi, Sanchez Ming