Joe McGinn, former Volunteer of the Season, is one of the many volunteers that ensure match days can go ahead.

How long have you volunteered at the club?
Since we moved back in December 2018.
What's your volunteer role?
I get involved in anything really! On match days, I do stewarding and make sure everything is hunky-dory at the Rabble end of the Ground at both ends of the stadium.
What made you start to volunteer?
When we moved back from Hades (Tooting & Mitcham), I was asked to help get some light fittings from work and I ended up installing them as well! Then it just went from there and I got more involved. Volunteering makes the Club a friendly place to be!
What's your favourite thing about volunteering for Dulwich Hamlet?
Two free drinks tokens and getting into the games for free! Only joking! It's always nice to help out and it's great to get to know new and old faces.
Anything you'd say to people thinking about volunteering?
I enjoy doing it! The more volunteers we have, the less we need to pay security, the better it is for the club financially and also the more likely it is to be a friendly place to be!