Nominations To The Board Closes This Friday

Nominations To The Board Closes This Friday

16th Jun 2020

DHST recently announced a call for nominations to the Trust Board for the 2020/21 season. This year there will be at least four vacancies made.

Being on the DHST Board is a very rewarding way to not only volunteer to help Dulwich Hamlet Football Club, but meet new people, and learn new skills. Nominations are welcome from anyone who is over the age of 18 and is a paid up Member of DHST. These must arrive no later than 23:59 this Friday, 19th June.

Please note: to be eligible to make a nomination, second a nomination or to vote in this year's trust elections you must be a member of the trust or renew your membership (if it has expired).

There are a number of varying roles on the Board, but we are looking particularly looking for nominates to help support our current communications, community and merchandise teams.

Trust Appoints Second Director

The Trust are pleased to announce that we recently appointed our second Director of Dulwich Hamlet Football Club.

Mel Hughes will now joint Duncan Chapman, who became a director last year, representing Trust members on the Football Club Board.

Mel has been on the Supporters’ Trust Board for the past five year and amongst her many other ‘roles’ she has been instrumental in setting up the broad merch offering we have today.

With Mel’s new role as Director, we are especially seeking someone to work alongside her on our merch operation over the coming year, with the focus on them eventually taking the lead.

Further Share Investment Made

Our merchandise sales are, alongside our 100 Club lottery, a significant revenue stream for the Trust Not only does a share of the profits, from the sale of merchandise, go directly to the Football Club, but profits are used to invest further into the club via the purchase of shares. 

On 1 June a further purchase of £30,000 worth of share was made which takes the Trust’s ownership of Dulwich Hamlet to over 25% mark.

In recent months, the Trust Board has been working closely with the club and going forward a number of joint committees, between the Board and club, will be set up lending to one of our main objectives of having a bigger influence in the day to day running of the club.

Join the Board

This is an exciting time to join the Trust Board, not only have we increase our ownership of the club, but we are very positive that planning for the proposed new stadium will be approved by Southwark Council. 

We are looking forward to working closely, with the club, to help deliver a stadium that will notably provide much needed sports facilities but  will be a huge source of pride to the local community of East Dulwich for many generations to come. 

The full rules and policies relating to Board membership can be found here Constitution and Policies.

The Board usually meets every month and formal minutes are taken and later published here Board Meeting Minutes and those successful elected are expected to work at least four shifts in the Mega-Container shop on men match days. 

Minutes from our annual general meeting (AGM) can be found here AGM Information and Minutes. Information relating to the Trust’s finances are here Finances

If you have any further queries regarding the work of the Board or on any specific roles, please contact us by emailing