
Planning Application – Have You Commented?

26th Aug 2019

After the ‘double’ header of Duwich Hamlet’s two senior teams facing Eastbourne oppostion this weekend, today it’s back to Champion Hill for the final game of the Bank Holiday weekend.

The football club recently put in a joint planning application that will see the delivery of a new community football stadium that will secure weekends like this for many years to come.

The Trust are urging you to register your support for the application by commenting positively on it, via Southwark Council’s website, the deadline to do this is today! This is the only effective way of demonstrating support for the application, and it is essential that all of us make our voices heard. Every comment makes a difference.

The success of the application is critical to the future of Dulwich Hamlet FC – for further information from the Club, please see here.

The DHST Board supports the planning application, and as a significant shareholder in Dulwich Hamlet FC, we look forward to being closely involved in the detailed planning of the new stadium on behalf of supporters.

The past two years have shown that it is essential that Dulwich Hamlet has a permanent home in the heart of East Dulwich, not only to ensure its immediate survival but to secure the long term future of an invaluable, 126-year-old, community asset. The application, if approved, will allow the Club’s and Trust’s community-focused activities to expand, and will greatly increase the availability of new, state of the art, facilities to local schools and community groups.

We therefore encourage all of our members, all supporters of Dulwich Hamlet FC, and our friends in the wider football community to write to Southwark Council in support of the proposal. This is vital in order to ensure that the decision makers understand how much the football club means to you, and what the impact would be if it was forced to close.

Please act now to ensure your views are taken into account and do encourage your friends and family to do the same. Every single voice supporting the Club and speaking up to support its survival will make a difference.

To register a comment on the application:

Click here or paste this link into your browser:

  1. Search for reference: 19/AP/1867
  2. Click on the ‘Make a comment’ option

Southwark seems to have had some problems with its planning portal so don’t be put off by the fact that there only appear to be a few comments. You should receive an acknowledgement by email when your comment is lodged.