
Your club needs you!

31st Jul 2016

Dulwich Hamlet FC support has significantly increased in recent seasons, but that support doesn’t just stop at the final whistle! There are a band of volunteers who help run the Club behind the scenes, and we’re now inviting you to get involved and join us with the wide range of activities that keeps our club ticking.

For a grassroots club like ours, volunteering is our heartbeat, without which our club simply couldn’t survive. You can give a couple of hours whenever you’re available, or commit to regular sessions. You can be a keen first-timer or experienced helper. You can bring specialist skills or simply just want to muck in. Whatever time you can give would be greatly appreciated.

If a regular commitment doesn’t work for you, maybe you would like to volunteer at a large event such as a Community Fair or at games that are likely to attract big crowds (e.g. on Non-League Day). These events rely on lovely people like you, who give up their time and skills for the good of the club.

Here are a list of some of the activities you could be involved in to help your club:

  • Mega-Container merchandise seller;
  • 50/50 ticket seller;
  • Community Fairs stand staff;
  • Turnstile operator; or
  • Programme seller.

A full list of roles can be found here. You may have other ideas on what you can do to support the Club, if so, then please do share them. By volunteering, you will be helping grow and run our club, by promoting the good work of the club and furthering our standing within the local community.

Volunteering is an essential part of our vision for fan ownership. An estimate of DHST Board volunteering hours came to around £75K of value for the Club during 2015/16 season. If you add to this the hours of the Football Committee and others, then this would be significantly more. However, we still require more help to build on this impressive platform.

If you are interested in getting involved, then you can speak to any members of the Football Committee or get in contact by email on Alternatively, you can speak to one of the DHST Board members at any game or contact Come and chat to us if you are interested in finding out about the work we do, and how you can play a part. You can also find out more by attending an open meeting hosted by the Football Committee at 7.30pm on Wednesday 10 August in the clubhouse.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been a fan for 15 years or 15 minutes, your help would be greatly appreciated! So what are you waiting for? Get Involved!