If you had to pick, who are your top 3 bands/musicians?
So hard to pick. I love music from all genres. But if I had to pick, then maybe Prodigy, Cypress Hill, and Felix Da Housecat.
Favourite pubs/restaurants in East Dulwich?
Franklins front bar. Great Exhibition is my local and highly recommended too.
Do you have any celebrity lookalikes?
I was once called Wayne Rooney when back packing in SE Asia. Awks.
Also Mickey Joe Harte (Irish singer songwriter).
Favourite author/s?
Don’t really have a favourite. Normally prefer non-fiction.
Favourite or dream holiday destination?
Anywhere I’ve never been.
Can you speak any other languages?
If you’d have been a professional footballer, which clubs would you have most wanted to play for?
Man Utd, Barcelona, Celtic.
Limerick, Ireland
Member since:
Roles and responsibilities:
Director. Still finding my feet but trying to help out wherever I can.
Day Job:
Why did you want to join the Trust Board?
Around the time we were looking to buy our first house I read an article about DHFC. The article was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, but I loved the sound of the club and the area so decided to look for a home here. We were lucky enough to find something and it was one of the best decisions we ever made. We love living here and the strong sense of community in the area. So I got involved because I want to give something back to the community that’s given us so much and to help support a club that I hold dear.
What has been the most difficult things you’ve found on the Board, and what has been most rewarding?
I’m relatively new to the board so still finding my feet.
Give me 3 words that, for you, sum up Dulwich Hamlet FC.
Community, Values, Fun.
If you’re not at Champion Hill on a Saturday afternoon, what are you normally doing?
Watching sport on tv.
Do you have any pets?
1 cat.
I’m a big believer in community and DHFC is an incredibly important part of that. It represents us all and it’s something we should cherish and protect. If you don’t protect and support the things you cherish, they’re at risk of disappearing.
Camping or all-inclusive hotel?
Happy with either. If I had to pick, camping.
Jam or Marmite?
Cats or dogs?
Both. But if I had to pick, dogs.
North London or South London?
South London
Blur or Oasis?
Tea or Coffee?
Both, but if I had to pick, tea.
Have you ever won any prizes/competitions?
Hmmmmm, nothing exciting.
Ever appeared on TV?
In the crowd of Blackboard Jungle on RTE 1. Also appeared in an advert for the Irish lottery.
Favourite film and/or TV show?
Film: Lost in Translation or Home Alone, TV: Gomorrah or Entourage, but I have a list of recommendations if you want.