A reminder to DHST members: 2015 election of new board
28th May 2015
A reminder to DHST members that the closing date for completed nomination papers for election to the board of DHST is 2 June. Nomination papers are to be returned to DHST’s email address info@dhst.org.uk or by post to (DHST elections), c/o 35 Cambria Road, London, SE5 9AS.
How do I stand for election?
To stand you will need to complete the “Nomination Form” enclosed with the most recent members’ mailing and be supported by 2 other members of DHST. (Any member can support the nomination of up to nine candidates.) You will also be required to write a personal statement of no more than 600 words in support of your candidature; this statement will then be issued with the ballot papers. The statements will also be published on www.dhst.org.uk
Who can stand for election?
Any paid up member of DHST as long as he/she:
- is over 18
- has not been declared bankrupt
- is not subject to a disqualification order under the Company Directors Disqualification Act
- has not been convicted of an indictable offence (other than a spent conviction as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974)
- is not, on the basis of medical evidence, suffering from a physical or mental incapability to prevent them acting as a board member and may remain so for more than 3 months.
- is willing to abide by any rules for the conduct of the election. The board need people with a range of skills and backgrounds who support the aims of DHST. The work will be unpaid, but rewarding, as it will hopefully ensure the survival and well-being of the football club that we all support.
The election process
- Tuesday 2 June – closing date for completed nomination papers to be returned to DHST’s email address info@dhst.org.uk or by post to (DHST elections), c/o 35 Cambria Road, London, SE5 9AS.
- Tuesday 9 June – If the number of members standing for election is more than the number of positions available, ballot papers with written statements will be e-mailed or posted to members for who we do not have an email address. Statements will also be published on www.dhst.org.uk.