DHFC Omaggio ‘90 t-shirt new in stock

DHFC Omaggio ‘90 t-shirt new in stock

31st Oct 2020

We're delighted to announce the new 'Omaggio' t-shirt. It's a Transpontine take on a classic, graphic shirt design seen during the late 80s and early 90s, most notably from our friends in Germany, who won the 1990 World Cup in it. The design has stood the test of time with a modern take on it seen during the 2018 World Cup. 

Priced at £15, you can buy it online or in the Mega-Container on DHFCW match days. We had a very busy (socially distanced, of course) Sunday in the Mega-Container at the last home game, so if you're coming to tomorrow's women's match against Dartford, we recommend getting to the ground early to be sure of buying your merch before kick-off.