​Dulwich Hamlet needs your help today – please act to secure our club’s future

​Dulwich Hamlet needs your help today – please act to secure our club’s future

22nd Jul 2020

Dulwich Hamlet needs your help today – please act to secure our club’s future

As you may be aware from our recent statement, the planning application for a new stadium at Champion Hill will be determined by Southwark Council’s planning committee on 27 July 2020.

If the application is rejected, the club will not be able to continue in its current form at the heart of our community. In recent days, misleading claims about the application have been made by some of its opponents, and a significant number of opposing comments have been submitted to the Council, despite the case officer’s comprehensive, evidence-based recommendation that the application should be approved.

So many in our community have worked so hard for our club over the last few years – it is crucial that we all make one further effort to demonstrate the depth of support for the proposals. Comments to the Council will be taken into account as long as they are received by 12.00 noon tomorrow, 23 July 2020.

Please take this opportunity to support the club at this crucial time. If you have already commented in support of the application, please do so again to demonstrate your continuing support.

To submit your comments via Southwark’s planning portal, please click here and complete the form.

Please also email a copy of your comments to the case officer: and, if you live in Southwark, copy them to your ward councillors and MP ( or so that they are aware of your support.

Finally, please encourage friends and family to do the same.

For more information on why the application is crucial to the club’s ability to survive and flourish, click here. We believe this application will bring great benefits to the local community for decades to come.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Dulwich Hamlet Supporters’ Trust