
Result of the 2016 election for the DHST Board

4th Jul 2016

The result of the DHST Board election has been announced at our AGM this evening. It means that Alex Atack, Alex de Jongh, Walter Johnson, Matt Purser, Mark Scoltock and Peter Wright have been elected to the Board of the Trust. They join existing members Alex Crane, Andy Greig, Duncan Hart, Mel Hughes, Isaac Parnell and Dave Rogers.

Congratulations to those candidates and thanks to all those who stood. Thanks also to all those Trust members who voted.

The first meeting of the new Board will be on Wednesday 13 July.

Full result

55 votes were cast out of 270 eligible members, representing a 20% turnout. There were 0 spoiled ballots, but 2 ballot papers were received after the closing date and were therefore excluded from the count. DHST currently has 280 members, however 9 are junior and 1 person has joined since the deadline cutoff for voting so were not eligible to vote.