
Shop Opening Times For Your Christmas Gifts

10th Dec 2019

We have a wide range of Dulwich Hamlet inspired gifts which are priced £10 or under – Calendars, mugs, hats, caps, badges, socks, gloves, books, baby items and scarves. We also have a new range of badges and t-shirts available to buy from the Mega-Container.

Saturday 14 December

Dulwich Hamlet Christmas party, clubhouse bar

Mega-table (in the club bar)- 7pm to 9pm

Sunday 15 December

Dulwich Hamlet Christmas fair

Mega-container – 1pm to 4pm

Tuesday 17 December

DH v Havant & Waterlooville 7:45pm ko

Mega-container – 7pm until KO and at halftime only

Postal orders/deliveries

Make sure you go to our online shop to buy all your Christmas presents for friends and family!

The last online order date for Christmas delivery is midnight Sunday 15 December to ensure you receive your parcels in time for Christmas. Postal orders will then resume from Monday 6 January.

Any order placed after this date will not processed in time for Christmas. Alternatively, you can always buy direct from the shop at one of our home games or festive events coming up in December as noted on the poster above.