
Super Sunday – Goose Green Fair and Peckham Town friendly at Champion Hill

4th May 2015

Dulwich v Peckham-page-001

DHST will be at the Goose Green Fair on Sunday 10 May from 11am to 4pm, as part of our work on supporting the club’s efforts on engaging more with the community and attracting more fans. We will have a table football to keep visitors entertained as well as some items from our popular mega-shed. Please do come and say hello at some point during the day.

You may want to drop by before the friendly against Peckham Town, which kicks off at 2pm. The game has been in included as part of the series events happening across the UK for Mental Health Week. All proceeds from the day will go towards the club’s new charity partner for 2015/16, Cooltan Arts. Please do share the match poster on social media and / or print and display in your neighbourhood.