
Maybe next time? Coach to Oxford City – 30 November

13th Nov 2019

Due to there not being enough interested numbers the Trust is sad that it is unable to run a coach to Oxford City. We will though keep trying to gauge interest in the future and hope to run a coach again soon should there be sufficient demand!

We will run a supporters’ coach to the league match at Oxford City on Saturday 30 November if enough people are interested in travelling.

We trialed a different approach to coach booking for the FA Cup game at Havant and we’re going to repeat it for Oxford.

We want to address (as far as possible – it isn’t easy) the Catch 22 situation that (a) we can’t confirm that a coach will run until we take a sufficient number of bookings, but (b) there is a reluctance to book before the coach is confirmed.

There’s also a timing issue: not only do we need sufficient bookings, but we need them as early as possible, to enable us to announce in good time whether or not the coach will run.

The latest date we will ever cancel a coach is the Monday before a Saturday game (the coach company’s deadline for confirming or cancelling) but ideally we want to make the call earlier (either way) so that supporters know where they stand and, if a coach isn’t going to run, can make alternative arrangements and take advantage of advance fares where possible.

For any system to work, it will need supporters to “take the plunge” and express interest/book places early. Booking via our website is quick and easy, and in the event that a coach can’t run we can process your refund quickly (for this reason, we encourage bookings online rather than in the shop, although we are of course still happy to take them in person).

Arrangements for Oxford City

As with the Havant game, we are inviting people to send us expression of interest. If it appears that there may be enough interest, we’ll open bookings. We will then keep you updated and aim to make the call as early as possible (and in any event by no later than the morning of 25 November).

So, if you would be interested in taking the coach to Oxford, please email us at as soon as possible (by 17:00 on Monday, 18 November). Please provide your name and, ideally, a contact number.

The coach would leave Champion Hill Stadium at 11.30 on 30 November, costing £16 for adults, £11 for concessions. Oxford’s ground is inconveniently located on the Oxford ring road, well away from the city centre.

We hope to hear from you soon!