SAVE THE DATE: The Dulwich Hamlet Supporters Trust AGM
Gen Williams on 8th Apr 2024
The Dulwich Hamlet Supporters’ Trust Annual General Meeting for 2024 will take place on Thursday 27 June at the clubhouse - members will also be able to join remotely and take part online.
Our AGM is an opportunity for Supporters’ Trust members to get together and share their thoughts, questions and ideas for the Trust, enjoy a recap of the work we’ve been up to this year and how our accounts are doing, and hear about what we’re planning to work on in the next season.
The AGM is also when we thank our outgoing Trust board members, four of whom will be stepping down this year, and announce the results of this year’s election and welcome our new additions to the board. The formal announcement of the AGM and the election will be issued soon.
As Trust members, we invite you to do two things:
Run for election!
If you want to get involved in the Trust, the most direct way to do that is to run for election to join the Trust board. As a board member you’ll have the opportunity to use your abilities and experience - and develop new skills! - to contribute to the Trust’s mission of being a responsive and practical voice for Dulwich Hamlet fans and supporting the long-term future of the club.
You’ll get an insight into the day-to-day of how a football club runs, as we work closely with the Club management on a number of issues. We welcome people with a wide variety of skills - including law, governance, accounting and membership operations, comms/marketing, community organising/volunteering, and design among others. The standard term is three years.
To run for election, you must be a current member of the Trust. (You can sign up here if you’re not already…) You’ll need to be able to attend our monthly board meetings, and our board members also all take a few turns throughout the season volunteering in the MegaContainer and Membership Shed at games.
You may also know someone else who you think would be a great addition to our board. If they’re a Dulwich Hamlet fan and a subscribed Trust member, and would like to stand for election, you can nominate them! It’s important to us to gather as wide and diverse representation and experience as possible on the board, to help us to be as effective, inclusive and dynamic as we can be.
If you want to learn more about it, email us at or collar us at a game - we can always be found in the MC and/or Shed.
Vote for our new board members!
It’s really important that you use your voice and vote for who you’d like to represent you on the Trust for the next three years. We’ll email you with voting forms closer to the time and we’d really appreciate you taking part.
You can find out more about past AGMs on our website here. Stay tuned for more info soon!