DHST Mission 2024-2026
1. being the democratic and representative voice of the supporters of the Club and strengthening the bonds between the Club and the communities which it serves.

2. achieving the greatest possible supporter and community influence in the running and ownership of the Club.
3. promoting responsible and constructive community engagement by present and future members of the communities served by the Club and encouraging the Club to do the same.

4. operating democratically, fairly, sustainably, transparently and with financial responsibility and encouraging the Club to do the same.
5. being a positive, inclusive and representative organisation, open and accessible to all supporters of the Club.
To this end:
a. membership of the Society is open to all meeting the stated criteria.
b. the Society is committed to eliminate discrimination whether by reason of age, income, disability, gender identification, ethnicity, religion and belief, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity or sexual orientation.
c. the Society is also committed to promoting equality by treating people fairly and with respect, by recognising that inequalities may exist, by taking steps to address them and by providing access and opportunities for all members of the community.
DHST Vision
Dulwich Hamlet FC will in all respects be a beacon of
quality - a viable, inclusive, sustainable and flourishing football club at the heart of its local community, protected for it by its structure, ownership and values, and providing a great match day experience. It will have a secure long-term
home in East Dulwich whose facilities act as a welcoming hub for the local community, and will exert positive cultural influence within football.
DHST Objectives to the end of 2026
We will ensure that the Trust is ready and resourced to take on increased ownership if the opportunity arises
[Mid 2025 target - relationship with club]
2. We will improve our understanding of fans by increasing the level and quality of fan to Trust engagement.
[End 2025 target - engagement with fans]
3. We will help the Club to attract a more diverse audience by seeking out and listening to marginalised voices
[End 2025 target - Community]
4. We will significantly improve our understanding of our members & use that knowledge to help us better communicate the benefits of Trust membership.
[Mid 2025 target - The Trust's membership]
5. We will ensure clarity around the Trust’s funding objectives, in connection with our aim of increasing our stake in DHFC
[End 2024 target - Finances]
6. We will issue more frequent and better targetted social media postings to ensure members are aware of what the Trust is doing and of our current priorities
[End 2024 target - Communications]
7. We will help the Club to secure and progress a new stadium in East Dulwich, representing the fanbase in its design .
[Mid 2026 target - The Club's Home]
8. We will strengthen Dulwich Hamlet’s reputation as a positive cultural influence on the national football community.
[Mid 2026 target - The Club's Influence]
9. We will investigate & implement sustainable practices for the Club.
[Mid 2025 target - Ethics]
10. We will engage effectively with and support fans of all DHFC teams.
[Mid 2025 target - Holistic DHFC]