

Programme Notes v Chelmsford City

28th Jan 2019

Today we welcome Chelmsford City and their supporters to Champion Hill. Chelmsford have consistently been one of the top teams in the National South in recent years and this season is no except … read more

Programme Notes V Slough Town

17th Jan 2019

Welcome to the second game back at Champion Hill during this festive period. Today we welcome Slough Town who we visited on August Bank holiday, with the Hamlet running out 2 -1 winners on that … read more

Feedback on coaches and future trips

17th Jan 2019

Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback on coaches to away games. For a more detailed summary, please follow the link at the end of this post, however, for those who want a quick read, thes … read more

100 Club Draw – January 2019

16th Jan 2019

The winners of this month’s draw were Lee Shailer who won £71.75 and David Miles who won £43.05. Monthly contributions are running at £287 and the total raised now stands at almost £38k. Many thank … read more