

100 Club Draw – May 2019

7th May 2019

The winners of this month’s draw were Alex de Jongh who won £94.25 and Martin Chapman who won £56.55. Monthly contributions are running at £377 – this is £90 up from last month, increasing both prizes … read more

100 Club Draw – April 2019

3rd Apr 2019

The winners of this month’s draw were Aaron Revel who won £71.75 and Steve Rickerby who won £43.05. Monthly contributions are running at £287 and the total raised now stands at over £38k. Many thanks … read more

100 Club Draw – March 2019

17th Mar 2019

The winners of this month’s draw were Bill Collar who won £71.75 and Steve Rickerby who won £43.05. Monthly contributions are running at £287 and the total raised now stands at almost £38k. Many thank … read more