

​We Have New Chairs!!!

​We Have New Chairs!!!

29th Jul 2021

When you next come to Champion Hill you will notice that the Tommy Jover stand has shiny new blue seating, thanks to the latest investment by the Supporters’ Trust. The Trust Board recently appro … read more

DHST AGM – Wednesday 21 July 2021

16th Jul 2021

Our AGM will take place at 7.00pm on Wednesday 21 July. We're pleased to confirm that Club Chairman Ben Clasper will join us for the Q&A section of the agenda.The AGM will be held in the bar at Champ … read more

Results of July 2021 DHST 100 Club Lottery

5th Jul 2021

The results of July's draw for the DHST 100 Club were:1st prize: Ticket 376 - David Miles (£186.50)2nd prize: Ticket 716 - Alex Atack (£111.90)Contributions this month stood at £746 - as always, … read more