

JULY 2020 DHST 100 Club draw results

JULY 2020 DHST 100 Club draw results

12th Jul 2020

The winners of July’s DHST 100 Club draw were:1st Prize: Ticket 436 – Tim Naik (£173.00)2nd Prize: Ticket 867 – Glen Marston (£103.80)Monthly contributions are running at an all-time high total of £69 … read more
Six Members Nominated for the Board

Six Members Nominated for the Board

1st Jul 2020

The Supporters’ Trust (DHST) recently sent our members a notice of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, which is to be held on 21 July via Zoom. Within the notice, we requested nominations fo … read more
Nominations To The Board Closes This Friday

Nominations To The Board Closes This Friday

16th Jun 2020

DHST recently announced a call for nominations to the Trust Board for the 2020/21 season. This year there will be at least four vacancies made.Being on the DHST Board is a very rewarding way to not on … read more
2020 Annual General Meeting Announced

2020 Annual General Meeting Announced

10th Jun 2020

Our members have recently been notified of the Trust's Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will take place on 21st July 2020 at 19:00. Due to. the current COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting will be held v … read more